Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Excess Weight is a Gateway to Chronic Disease

Canadian and American obesity statistics are neck-to-neck, with about one-quarter to one-third of adults in the obese category. A staggering two-thirds of Americans are overweight. This does indeed place a heavy burden on the healthcare system.
Its important to realize that a large number of diseases are directly attributable to obesity, including:

Dieters always ask, "Why can't I have diet soda, its all zeros?" We all know why, but here are a few more reasons.....

Here are 6 more reasons to give up diet soda: 
1. It messes with your skin. Diet Coke lowers your pH levels, which can cause acne, and zap you of radiance. We need a high level of alkalinity for our bodies to be healthy and depress in our glowing complexion, explains Dr. Jeanette Graf, author of Stop Aging, Start Living: The Revolutionary 2 Week pH Diet.  As Dr. Graf told us recently, "if theres one thing you should never consume, its soda. Soda is an extreme acid- forming substance which will lower your pH level dramatically."

2. It alters your mood. The mood-food connection is ever-rising, and Aspartame in Diet Coke can really do a doozey on the with anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. Aspartame is also on an EPA list of potentially dangerous chemicals contributing to neurotoxicity, right under Arsenic. So thats kind of saying it could alter your brain, too.

3. Weight gain and belly fat. Ironically, we actually gain weight from Diet Coke. In two studies conducted by the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, those "who said they consumed two or more diet sodas a day, experiences waist circumference increases that were 500 percent greater than those of non-users."

4. It causes diabetes and heart disease. When waist circumference (belly fat) increases, this contributes to diabetes and heart disease, which a 2010 study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine  confirmed.

5. It makes your kidneys sluggish. Diet soda may interfere with the kidneys, found the Harvard Nurses Study, which reported a 30% drop in kidney function with just two servings of diet soda a day.

6. Aspartame's been linked to cancer. A lot. Aspartame is "generally recognized safe" by the FDA while substantial data shows its link to cancer. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) cautions against Aspartame because its poly testers, an contains three well-recognized neurotoxins. Aspartame was found to increase cancer risk if exposure begins in the womb, reported a study at the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center. And various studies have linked lymphoma and tumors in rats. And beware of the BPA of cans and caramel coloring, reports Grist.
Kind of takes the fizz out of it, right?
Butter VS. Margarine
Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.

Eating butter increases absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.

Butter has many nutritional benefits, margarine has few.

Butter tastes better than margarine.

Butter has been around for centuries, margarine less than 100 years.

Margarine triples the risk of coronary heart disease.

Margarine increases the risk of cancer five times.

Margarine lowers the quality of breast milk, decreases the immune response and decreases insulin response.

Margarine is one molecule away from being plastic. 

Ideal Protein changes lives, and so do you!  

Watch Lynn Roos' Amazing Transformation

“That’s what life has become – what do you want to do next?” – Lynn Roos 


After losing 182 pounds on the Ideal Protein Protocol Lynn Roos is living the kind of life she has never had before. Invigorated by her healthy lifestyle change, Lynn is experiencing the kind of freedom she has never felt, making her dreams come true and flying past the boundaries that once defined her life. 

Share Lynn's Amazing Transformation across your social media channels by selecting one of the following posts. The posts should be used one at a time. Start sharing them now:  

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Latest Research Shows This!

The Latest Research Shows This!

Being obese triples the risk of heart disease. as well as produces a tenfold increase in the chance of developing DIABETES- ABC News, 12/22/04

The Conventional medical system is the LEADING cause of death in this country, with 2 people dying every minute. In 2004, drugs/medicines/surgeries overtook heart disease as our #1 KILLER!
-Journal American Med. Assoc., '04

1.5 Million Americans are injured through medicines and drugs after they are already in the hospital

A research study done in 1981 showed a loss of the neck curve, an increase in themed back curve for Scoliosis of the spine takes up to 14 years of your life!
-Journal Bone Joint Surgery, 1981

Image result for aspartame

Aspartame Is Dangerous for Everyone (AKA NurtaSweet)

“I know that the average consumer has a devil-may-care-something-is-gonna-to-kill-me… but they don’t realize that before THIS stuff kills they are going to have a miserable declining existence with LOTS of pain and other problems (not to mention cancer, tumors, and maybe even Alzheimer or similar things) before death solves the problem.”
-      An Aspartame Victim

Long-Term Damage
It appears to cause slow, silent damage in those unfortunate enough to not have immediate reactions and a reason to avoid it. It may take one year, five years, 10 years, or 40 years, but it seems to cause some reversible and some irreversible changes in health over long-term use. 

Brain Cancer
Aspartame caused large brain tumors in life-long animal experiments at a dose that could be considered within the “Acceptable Daily Intake” limit after adjusting for differences in metabolism of aspartames breakdown products between humans and rodents. 

Uterine Polyps

Pre-approval experiments showed that an aspartame breakdown product caused uterine polyps in experimental animals.  
One Bowl of Rice is Equivalent to Two Cans of Soda
If you’re diabetic, have prediabetes, or are simply worried about your sugar intake, you may be overlooking a certain mainstay in your cupboards

White rice is a food typically considered a staple in most diets. With this in mind, it may come as a surprise hat white ice in large doses can increase the risk for diabetes.

This understanding explains why diabetic rates are higher in Asians than other populations. Contrary to previous theories, it’s not a matter of genetics, but the levels of starch found in white rice. In such large amounts, starch can flood the body with blood sugar, thereby increasing diabetic risk. How much of a risk are we talking? Well, according to Zee Yoon Kang, chief executive of the Health Promotion Board, when white rice is eaten daily, it can increase the risk of developing diabetes by up to 11%.

On average, one bowl of rice has about double the level of carbohydrates of a can of soda.All of this excess sugar can put a strain on the pancreas; this is because the pancreas, by means of insulin production, converts the sugar in our blood into usable energy. Certain foods, white rice among them, cause problems then by dumping too much sugar into the blood at one time. When there is too much sugar in the blood, the event is referred to as a ‘sugar spike’. Sugar spikes are bad for the body because they overtax the pancreas, which makes it less effective in the future. What this means is over time, the pancreas gets weaker and weaker, which limits its ability to generate insulin. This means sugar levels in the body steadily rise as a result. 

Fortunately, the solution is simple: eat brown rice!Studies show that even replacing as little as 20% of the white rice you consume with brown rice can cut diabetic risk. Furthermore, brown rice, as well as other varieties of rice, simply packs more of a nutritional punch than typical white rice anyway.